Brian Gould
P.Eng., CAA, ACMG/IFMGAPresident & CEO, Senior Avalanche Specialist, Engineer
Brian has over 32 years of experience in the field of avalanche risk planning and mitigation, and provides senior review for all services. In addition to being a Professional Engineer specializing in snow avalanche hazards he is also an internationally certified and licensed Mountain Guide (ACMG/IFMGA) and long time Professional Member of the Canadian Avalanche Association (CAA). He is a senior instructor/examiner with the CAA Industry Training Programs and regularly instructs on the mapping and operations courses.
Brian has extensive background in several industry sectors including hydroelectric & energy, forestry, recreation, transportation and mining. He also has worked with numerous government agencies as well as academic programs specializing in snow avalanche hazards. Brian provides active oversight for the many avalanche risk control programs that Alpine Solutions manages.