Preliminary Avalanche Hazard Assessment

Get expert, site-specific avalanche insights at no cost—no commitment required. Plan proactively, meet regulatory compliance, and get your project started or reviewed today!

Trusted by Industries Largest Projects and Companies

Leverage our expertise for your next project or hazard review. Our avalanche specialists have written over 100 Avalanche Safety Plans and conducted Risk Assessments for various industries with projects affected by an avalanche hazard.

Tailored to Project Scope and Needs

Our Preliminary Hazard Assessment is used by projects that require a hazard review for preliminary planning, covering various locations and the scope of terrain being used.

Exploratory & Planning

Seasonal Projects

Expanding Operational Projects

New Operational Projects

What is Included in the Preliminary Hazard Assessment?

An avalanche specilaist will review the following variables for your project location and provide a recommendation on requiring a further Risk Assessment.

Download a Sample Assessment

By providing your project location, scope and details we can provide this preliminary hazard assessment custom made my our avalanche specialists.