Cutbank Avalanche Area Remote Avalanche Control Systms (RACS)
Parks Canada
50 km west of Golden, BC, Canada
Project Requirements
- Design and Installation of 5 Wyssen Tower Remote Avalanche Control Systems (RACS) at Cutbank Avalanche Area in Glacier National Park to control several avalanche paths.
- System to replace use of Howitzer for avalanche control for CP Railway for these avalanche paths.
Project Description
CP Rail operates several trains on a daily basis throughout the Mountain subdivision in western Canada. Historically, the Parks Canada avalanche team (ACS) has monitored and controlled these paths throughout each winter. Control methods have incorporated the use of howitzer artillery operated by the Canadian armed forces. Potential risks have included artillery being fired over the railway corridor, and lengthy rail delays due to avalanche control missions. This five new Wyssen Avalanche Control systems can control avalanches 24/7. In addition, associated avalanche detection systems mounted on the control towers give real time feedback to avalanche technicians, contributing to increased confidence in control and reduced closure times.
As lead for the project, Alpine Solutions completed design and layout of each system. In addition, Alpine Solutions monitored the construction project, which occurred during the 2017 summer season.

- Ensuring efficient placement of each system to maximize results, while minimizing costs
- Meeting tight construction window limited by environmental and forest fire constraints.
- Advanced GIS terrain modelling using LiDAR data.
- Initial fieldwork, followed by daily monitoring of construction activities.
- Communication with Parks, CP, and stakeholders to ensure environmental and safety concerns taken into account.